NEWS 04.11.2021

Facebook disables facial recognition

Facebook is deactivating its controversial facial recognition feature. In Europe, the company had already discontinued the feature after heavy criticism and reintroduced it only three years ago.

Facial recognition icon

NEWS 27.10.2021

Scottish schools forgo facial recognition for now

Only a few days after its launch, several Scottish schools have switched off their facial recognition technology again. The British data protection authority had previously intervened.

British school canteen

NEWS 22.10.2021

WMO: Climate change hits Africa particularly hard

Although the industrialized countries of the Northern Hemisphere are among the main causes of climate change, Africa is feeling the consequences more intensely.

Boats on the Niger

NEWS 14.10.2021

The Hague: Complaint against Brazil's President Bolsonaro

The destruction of the Amazon region continues and has consequences for the climate. The organisation AllRise has therefore now charged Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro with crimes against humanity.

Illegal deforestation in the Amazon region

NEWS 08.10.2021

EU Parliament votes for ban on facial recognition

In a resolution, the EU Parliament calls for a ban on AI-based mass surveillance. Now it has to agree on a draft bill with its supporters.

EU Parliament

NEWS 30.09.2021

Numerous iOS apps ignore tracking ban

Although iOS apps have to ask permission for ad tracking, many programmes ignore the users' decision. Apple's new rules seem to have little effect.

iOS 15

NEWS 23.09.2021

Amnesty: Taliban dismantle human rights

Amnesty International accuses the Taliban of human rights violations such as torture and murder – the situation is dramatic.

Checkpoint of the Taliban

NEWS 14.09.2021

227 environmental activists killed worldwide in 2020

In 2020, more environmental activists than ever before were killed for their work. Indigenous peoples are particularly at risk.

Illegally felled trees in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil

NEWS 30.08.2021

USA: ATLAS software can cause expatriation

In the U.S., federal software checks whether people should be expatriated. Civil rights activists warn of discrimination.

USCIS-Lettering with Flag

NEWS 18.08.2021

Data theft: T-Mobile US confirms IT attack

The mobile phone provider T-Mobile US has been the victim of an IT attack. The company is investigating the incident.
