
"On this page we lay out the organisations we have made donations to within the last year."

Donation Activity

Donations by Posteo in 2023

Total donations made by Posteo:
70,500.00 EUR
Of which, voluntary donations made by Posteo:
70,065.20 EUR
Of which, donations from terminations (remaining credit):
434.80 EUR

It is important to us to encourage social engagement and to take responsibility as a company. We therefore donate to carefully selected organisations in the fields of environmental and climate protection, digital freedom and freedom of expression, strengthening democracy, as well as refugee and humanitarian emergency aid.

On this page we outline the organisations to which we have made donations in the past year (here 2023).

Altogether, our donations for the year 2023 totalled 70,500 EUR. The year before it was another 69,500 EUR, in 2021 it was 59,500, 2020 it was 58,600 EUR, in 2019 it was 44,500 EUR, and in 2018 it was 40,600 EUR.

The total donated comes from both voluntary donations by Posteo and from the remaining credit of terminated email accounts whose customers decided to donate.

Organisations supported

Posteo donated to the following organisations during 2023:

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders was founded in France in 1971. The German section was added in 1993. Today, MSF (Médicins Sans Frontières) is an international network that provides emergency medical aid in over 70 countries. As a humanitarian medical organisation, Doctors Without Borders is committed to providing high-quality and efficient health care in countries where people's survival is at risk due to diseases, wars and disasters.


UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe is the German offshoot of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It ensures the survival of refugees in acute crisis situations with life-saving emergency measures. UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe thus provides for sufficient supplies of water, food and medicines in refugee camps or regions that are hard to access, for example.

Reporter ohne Grenzen - Für Informationsfreiheit

Reporters Without Borders engages itself worldwide for freedom of the press and freedom of information. The organisation documents violations against freedom of the press and supports journalists that are in danger. Reporters Without Borders combats censorship and restrictive media laws.

UNICEF – Living Schools and winter help for children

UNICEF is the United Nations' children's relief organisation. Since 1946, the organisation has been committed to the health, education and rights of children and mothers in 190 countries. UNICEF is politically engaged against the use of child soldiers and for the protection of refugees and the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Children. Posteo supports the Living Schools project in Malawi: Schools are being built based on principles of environmental consciousness, e-learning and co-management. The schools have their own water system for clean drinking water and hygiene, use the sun for producing energy and teach about environmental preservation in a school garden. Additionally, Posteo supports winter help for children in crisis regions. During humanitarian crises, children are often left without protection from weather conditions. UNICEF provides help worldwide in such emergency situations.

Amadeu Antonio Foundation

The goal of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, established in 1998, is to reinforce a democratic civil society that promotes pluralism and human rights while opposing right-wing extremism, racism and antisemitism. To this end, the foundation supports initiatives and projects that consistently stand up for a democratic culture and for the protection of minorities. Since 2003, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation hosts an annual awareness week against antisemitism and consults professionals in children and youth work. In addition, the foundation educates on conspiracy narratives and their connection with antisemitic models for explaining the world. Donations from Posteo are used for projects that are committed against antisemitism and conspiracy ideologies. is a journalistic platform for digital freedom rights and presents the important debates and developments on the topic of the internet. The platform documents how politics is changing the internet and society through regulation and the continued expansion of surveillance laws. With its work, wants to encourage people to become engaged for their digital freedom rights and an open society.


The European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) is engaged with legal measures for human rights. The ECCHR lawyers' aim is to hold state and non-state actors legally accountable for grave human rights abuses. (Supported until spring 2024)

Posteo has also donated to the following organisations in the past:

BUND - Friends of the Earth Germany

German Red Cross (DRK) - Climate project in Peru

Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte

In addition to these donations, Posteo also sponsored:

TAZ Panterstiftung

Twice a year, the taz Academy invites 20 young journalists and activists to Berlin to produce a supplement together for the Berlin newspaper (Tageszeitung). In 2019 the subject was “Save the environment? Of course, but how?”. Posteo supported the climate workshop as a sponsor.

Reporters Without Borders – Press Freedom Awards

The Press Freedom Awards given by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) honours particularly courageous and independent journalists who will not be silenced despite adverse circumstances and great danger to life and limb. In 2019, Posteo donated the prize money for the “Courage” category in journalism.