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New security certificate

Created at 23.February 2024, 11:35 | Category: Info

Dear Posteo customers,

We are updating our main security certificate. Security certificates are only valid for a specified time period and need to be renewed from time to time.

In most cases, you will not notice any change.
All current clients like Thunderbird or Outlook will automatically find the new certificate. You do not need to do anything. However, should your client display a certificate error during this changeover process, please restart your client. This should fix the error.

If you manage the trustworthiness of certificates manually, you can find the fingerprint for the new main certificate below. You can also find complete fingerprints for all certificates in our legal notice.

New fingerprint for the TLS security certificate for

SHA256: AA:FC:E1:21:F4:15:14:E6:8D:09:ED:F4:87:EA:E6:1E:02:99:BC:9B:41:51:4C:FC:DC:BE:F5:E8:A5:60:9C:DD
SHA1: ED:87:9A:C6:E6:2E:72:82:42:AD:30:D9:05:38:30:34:7C:47:2F:24

Best regards,
The Posteo Team